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University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow

University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow is the largest private university in southeastern region of Poland which is recognized as an international academic center. Of approximately 6,000 students, as many as 1,500 of them are representatives of countries from various parts of the world. The university offers education in over 20 fields of study (including ‘dual studies’) and over 50 fields of postgraduate studies, specialized courses and trainings. There are four faculties being a part of the university’s structure: Faculty of Management, Faculty of Applied Informatics, Faculty of Media and Social Communication and Faculty of Medicine, which are focused not only on teaching, but also on developing scientific research and cooperation with the business community.

UITM has been achieving leading positions in national rankings for years. A high level of education is provided by experienced and talented staff and infrastructure enabling to develop the skills in various fields of science. The infrastructure base that is significantly worth mentioning is the UITM’s Financial Lab, which was designed and equipped in a way that recreates the workplace of a broker or a financial dealer.

Research and educational entities operating at UITM create a space for the development of human resources for the world of science and business. The leading scientific disciplines within which the University's academic staff conducts the research are: sciences connected to the management of quality, economics and finance, social communication and media sciences, political and administrative sciences, and medical sciences. The partner of the IDEA project and at the same time a scientific unit conducting research in the field of economics and finance is the Institute for Financial Research and Analyses (IFRA).

Sveuciliste u dubrovniku             IDP             IHF             Universitas comeniana bratislavensis Malgrande Solutions

IWS             EIZ             Hrvatski Telekom                Wyzsza szkolaa informatykiWyzsza szkolaa informatyki

Este proyecto ha sido financiado con el apoyo de la Comisión Europea. Este sitio web y su contenido refleja únicamente las opiniones de los autores, y la Comisión no se hace responsable del uso que pueda hacerse de la información contenida en él.