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The Department of Management, as a part of the Faculty of Education of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, has been providing education since 2003. It currently provides bachelor's studies in Management and master's studies in Econo...
The teaching of architecture at the STU began in 1946, making the Faculty of Architecture (FA) the newest addition to the Slovak University of Technology (STU) Faculty. At that time the Department of Architecture and Structural Engineering was establ...
BoostAbruzzo is a not-for-profit organisation which aims at fostering and supporting entrepreneurship in the Italian region of Abruzzo through the support of an international network of highly qualified professionals. We provide pro-bono mentorship p...
IT Solutions For All is a non-profit organization based in Malaga, Spain, that seeks promoting training on ICT technologies (Information and Communication Technologies) for low-skilled people in order to empower them and let them function comfortably...