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University of Dubrovnik, Department of Economics and Business Economics

The Department of Economics and Business Economics of the University of Dubrovnik is one of its oldest, largest and most advanced components with 50 years long tradition. Since 1970 it offers educational programmes in fields of economics, international trade, tourism and more recently IT management and marketing. Its staff has been continuously investing efforts in the development of modern educational programmes. It is the most internationalized university in Croatia with almost 20% of its students coming from abroad. The Department is home to some of the highest ranked Croatian scholars in the field of economics whose research findings have been published in world leading journals. The Department has been actively supporting the development of local, regional and national community through various projects, expertise and knowledge transfer.

Sveuciliste u dubrovniku             IDP             IHF             Universitas comeniana bratislavensis Malgrande Solutions

IWS             EIZ             Hrvatski Telekom                Wyzsza szkolaa informatykiWyzsza szkolaa informatyki

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site and its contents reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.